Monday, April 29, 2013

Online Tracking System for Vehicles

Tired of monitoring your vehicles and your field force person daily activities,now you can relax yourself by sitting in your office and having a control of your fleets and your field employees.
Sosmartrack is a company which is providing vehicle tracking and online tracking services for individuals, logistic companies,Transportation Companies,Government agencies, detective and security agencies,etc.
Sosmartrack online tracking System is a custom made android build tracking system which is used to locate,trace and track vehicles remotely.
This online tracking system is provided with various advanced vehicle tracking features which will be useful primarily for the people who is running in the field.
Once the online tracking System is installed on devices to be traced, the status of all the devices carried by vehicles or field service person can be located and monitored. It can store the data temporarily on the device itself when there is no GPRS connectivity, and sends all the data once the connectivity comes up.

How an online tracking system works?
Our online tracking system works with an android mobile with GPS connectivity and GPRS enabled sim. All the information regarding the movement of vehicles and fleets can be easily accessed using smart phone or website respectively.

Requirements needed for enabling this Online tracking System:
Android mobile
GPRS enabled SIM


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Uses of Online Tracking System

Now a days all the tracking System providers are providing Kit based tracking system. In India there are very few firms which offers online tracking system.
The use of online tracking system is unlimited and its features are much more than the conventional tracking system.
What are the uses of online tracking system ?

Fuel Cost is optimized:

A online Tracking System can’t change the cost of fuel, it can easily tell owner's if their driver is over-speeding or idling unnecessarily. It also helps Fleet owners to monitor routes and path deviations that drivers take,so that it will be useful for them to advise the drivers to take short routes.

Quick goods Dispatching:
With Online Tracking System, you can dispatch goods effectively in real time much more quickly than with conventional tracking system. Instead of calling the drivers on their current location and waiting for them to report back, a vehicle owner or fleet supervisor only needs to check their internet to track the position of nearby fleet and then dispatch the goods electronically.

Driver Accountability is Increased:
Fleet managers find difficulty in having a smooth conversation with fleet drivers on their effectiveness and productivity. But Online Tracking System allows the fleet owners or supervisor to check who’s using unwanted routes or unauthorized use.

Customer Service gets improved:
Many vehicle rental companies find difficulties in allocating vehicles for a customer who is in hurry,in that case online tracking system is helpful in choosing the nearest vehicle near the customer destination. There are few online tracking system been getting used which helps the customer to call or text message the fleet drivers on their availability.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Anti rape wrist watches for Women safety

India the first nation to introduce Anti rape wrist watches for female safety:
India is deliberately moving towards time of cultural and social reform, intends to use GPS technology feature
Anti rape wrist watch in India!
 in an idea to control the nature of sexual violence that was briefed in the account of a 23-year-old Delhi medical student who died after being gang raped by six men on a moving bus in December 2012. The authorities have planned to introduce a wristwatch with GPS tracking Solution that would allow women to contact police and their family members during the time of such emergency.
Now, India’s CDAC is developing a device with the above mentioned features with the approval of Central government that would possibly render contract to Technology savvy ITI. Intending for the Wrist watch to be at a affordable cost for everyone, ITI will manufacture the device costing around 1200 -3000. The wrist-watch will consist of an alarm or alert button that, when pressed during an attack or else emergency, will send a SMS message with accurate location coordinates to both police department and the women family members.
The watch would also feature a camera built in option which is sued to record audiovisual data for more than half an hour.
Will this alone be Adequate for women Protection?
Even though this kinds of innovative products gets developed the concerned people who needs to make the follow-up is the police department. How long will they take to reach the time will be the key area which makes a huge difference for the victims. Many feel the law enforcement people especially the Delhi law enforcement people get some publicized attack from people in this issue.
The next issue is the reliability of the quality of the device. Because already we are struggling to get national brand tablet at low cost to hit the market.
As of now, it seems India is the only nation to pioneer a device for this specific purpose. If the device prove to be a top selling one in the Indian market then the product could be adapted to protect young children.

Features of Vehicle Tracking System

Features of Vehicle Tracking System:
It seems you are planning to get a vehicle tracking system installed in your vehicle for your business but you are very much confused with, or finding difficulty in the features given by vehicle tracking systems and the primary benefits they provide.
In this Blog I'm just going to cover some of the most common tracking features and benefits the vehicle tracking system offer.
Live Mapping Facility:
It Provides live mapping facility with real time locations o
f vehicles against a road or google map of the area they are moving, many vehicle tracking systems allow the customers to zoom in and zoom out the map to locate,manage a vehicles specific location or to view the entire number of vehicles in a given vicinity. All the live mapping facility features automatically refreshing of the screen every time an vehicle sends a data update making sure the vehicle’s position that is digitally displayed is currently up to date and accurate. It is one of the most important vehicle tracking system feature which should be available because it helps the customers to have a live tracking option of their vehicles.
Reports availability:
Reports are the main area where a fleet management company concentrates.
The fleet management companies expect to have reports on distance traveled by their vehicle,Route deviations taken by their vehicle,Productivity reports based on the distance traveled,Daily trip reports,Driver over speeding reports,etc.
So these are the major reports a customer will expect before choosing a vehicle tracking system.
Live/Real Time Alerts:
The fleet management people may not find time to check the faults of their driver's all the time so they expect alert facility (either a ring alert or an SMS alert to their mobile)when their vehicle is stationary more than the pre-defined time,when the vehicle enters an unwanted location,when the vehicle is stolen,When the vehicle enters or exits their office premises,Drivers rash driving etc.
Battery status alert:
Some of the vehicle tracking system are cost effective since it runs on the mobile with an app installed so the status of the battery level has to be checked. There may be various app installed in the mobile therefore there is a possibility of battery level getting drained. So when the device battery reaches below certain level an alert has to be generated to the owner.
Lock alert :
There should be a lock alert in the device which is attached to the mobile. So when the vehicle moves without the knowledge of the owner it can trigger an alert.

These are the major influential factors which has to be considered while choosing a vehicle tracking system.
But my suggestion is try to go for the one which offers free trial along with all these features so that you can experience how it works?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tracking System in India

Sosmartrack is a chennai-based company providing free online vehicle tracking system in india is offering application in tracking vehicles and your near and dear ones.
Sosaley recently introduced a product with a personal vehicle tracking features,which is sosmartrack primarily for drivers driving vehicles,Logistics companies,Individuals,field service person etc. “The free online tracking system in India, which is installed in an android mobile device can be used to track, manage resource and optimize the vehicle, and identify the ill-use or rash driving by the concerned driver. It also provides halt alert reminders, average Distance travelled, Speed tracking and route reports. It helps in recovering a stolen vehicle or mobile device and easily monitor driver behavior etc.,” said rashith, who also holds a MS degree in Anna university Chennai.

How Sosmartrack Free online tracking System works?
The customer needs to register online with relevant details.
Once the App is installed in device , the GPS in the android device picks up GPS signals and sends data to our company’s server via GPRS. Once it is live, the android device can track Field service person,Assets, fleets in real time on the website as well on your mobile phone itself and identify unauthorised usage and halts. Customers will be immediately intimated with ring alert and SMS alert if their driver is over-speeding their vehicle.
It is customized with creating Geo-fencing and get notified if fleets or individual violates that fence. If the person deviates the path and the application will send you SMS and ring alert to your phone, e-mail or to your Mobile phone as push messages. customers can also check their vehicles monthly usage, distance travelled, trip reports,halt report etc. You will also get daily/weekly/Monthly reports.

Free online Tracking System in India

Free online Tracking System in India

 Free online tracking System in India based on Android mobile and in it is easy to use and install.

It is custom-built Android free online Tracking system in India for People, Logistics firms, Transportation businesses, academic Institutions to remotely pin point,identify and optimize resources and vehicles that are moving in the road.

This free online Tracking System in India provides online position of vehicles or mobile devices carried by field service people,fleets anywhere all the time round the clock. .

Once the Free online tracking System is enabled after installing the application on devices to be tracked, the status of all the mobile carried by vehicles or service person can be monitored. It can store the reliable data initially on the mobile phone itself when there is no GPRS connection, and sends all the stored information once the GPRS connectivity comes up.
The customer can track device current location maps with detailed location information.

How a free Online Tracking System work?

The free online tracking system 
is an android mobile with GPS and GPRS enabled SIM rapidly sends out data about the device's position, speed, distance travelled and each halt duration. This information can then be accessed from a central location through a website or a mobile phone itself.