Thursday, April 18, 2013

Anti rape wrist watches for Women safety

India the first nation to introduce Anti rape wrist watches for female safety:
India is deliberately moving towards time of cultural and social reform, intends to use GPS technology feature
Anti rape wrist watch in India!
 in an idea to control the nature of sexual violence that was briefed in the account of a 23-year-old Delhi medical student who died after being gang raped by six men on a moving bus in December 2012. The authorities have planned to introduce a wristwatch with GPS tracking Solution that would allow women to contact police and their family members during the time of such emergency.
Now, India’s CDAC is developing a device with the above mentioned features with the approval of Central government that would possibly render contract to Technology savvy ITI. Intending for the Wrist watch to be at a affordable cost for everyone, ITI will manufacture the device costing around 1200 -3000. The wrist-watch will consist of an alarm or alert button that, when pressed during an attack or else emergency, will send a SMS message with accurate location coordinates to both police department and the women family members.
The watch would also feature a camera built in option which is sued to record audiovisual data for more than half an hour.
Will this alone be Adequate for women Protection?
Even though this kinds of innovative products gets developed the concerned people who needs to make the follow-up is the police department. How long will they take to reach the time will be the key area which makes a huge difference for the victims. Many feel the law enforcement people especially the Delhi law enforcement people get some publicized attack from people in this issue.
The next issue is the reliability of the quality of the device. Because already we are struggling to get national brand tablet at low cost to hit the market.
As of now, it seems India is the only nation to pioneer a device for this specific purpose. If the device prove to be a top selling one in the Indian market then the product could be adapted to protect young children.

1 comment:

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