Thursday, May 2, 2013

Vehicle Tracking System in India

What is vehicle tracking System?
A vehicle tracking System is just a mixture of hardware and a software installed in a vehicle to track its location and its periodical reports.
Today's modern vehicle tracking System uses GPS and GPRS technology to locate the vehicle and to transmit the data to the Server. The information can be accessed through a mobile phone or a laptop.
With modern vehicle tracking system the data like distance traveled report,Speed report, Idling report,fuel report,tire pressure, cut off fuel,battery status etc can be noted.

GPS architecture:
The GPS architecture mainly constitutes of three parts
1.GPS tracking Device
2.GPS tracking Server
3.User interface
GPS tracking device:
This GPS tracking device is kept fixed in the vehicle or fleet which needs to be tracked. The information like distance traveled,fuel status, speed report, Idling status,altitude,no of GPS satellites in view,engine RPM can be monitored with accurate data reports.
GPS tracking Server:
It receives the data from the transmitter,Stores it and sends the data on request from the user.
User Interface:
The UI act as a bridge between the user and the tracking System.
Uses of vehicle tracking system:
A vehicle if it gets stolen would be recovered quickly with the use of vehicle tracking system.
An asset can be monitored for its safety and security.
Fleet service management can be done effectively using vehicle tracking system.
Field service management can be done effectively using vehicle tracking system.
Vehicle tracking systems can also be used in food delivery firms like pizza delivery and car rental companies.





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